Ryu Jinki (劉仁軌)

Ryu Jinki (pinyin: Liú Rénguĭ, 602-March 2, 685) is a busho (military commander) in the period of Tang Dynasty in China. His azana (adult male's nickname) is Masanori. 楽城文献公. He is from Kāifēng Wèishì.

Brief Personal History
He was born in 602 (2 in Ninjyu era) in Sui. When he was young, he was poor and was fond of studying. During the period of Butoku after Tang was established, he became Sangun (commander of Sangun department of army) of 息州, and later became 陳倉尉. 魯寧, Setsushiyoutoi (The chief of negotiation), was so arrogant that Ryu Jinki whipped and killed him.
When Taiso (Tai Zong; Emperor of Tang Dynasty) questioned him about the death, he answered without hesitation, 'I killed him because he insulted me.'
Taiso was pleased with his answer rather than angry about it, and appointed him to jo of Xianyang. He was promoted to Kyujichu, but was transferred to shishi (Provincial Governor) in Qingzhou because Rigifu, a influential vassal, was jealous of and hated him.

Furthermore, he was charged the blame on the failure of transportation in the Liaodong Peninsula conquest in 660, and was demoted to the ranks at the age of fifty nine. When the Tang army led by So Teiho attacked Shibi, the capital of Kudara (Paekche) in this year, Rui Jinki made a great performance by capturing Uija and destroying Kudara. In the following year, in 661, the surviving retainers of Kudara including Fukushin Kishitsu attempted to regain the Shibi Castle by encircling Ryu Jingan, a defense general.
Rui Jinki voluntarily went to support Ryu Jingan by following kengyo (temple or shrine administrator) shushishi (governor of a state)

In September in 663, he attacked the Suigun (warriors battle in the sea) of Wa (Japan) which supported the remnants of Kudara, winning a great victory, burning out more than 400 warships (Battle of Hakusukinoe). He conquered the castles connected to Kudara and brought peace to common people by operating settlement of ex-legionary. When Gao Zong (Tang) had Hozen (festival of heaven and earth) at Taizan in 665, he participated in it with the chieftains of four countries; Silla (Kingdom), Kudara (Paekche), Tanra, and Wa. He followed 大司憲, was promoted to 右相兼検校太子左中護, and was blocked by 楽城県男.

In 668, he became the local inspector of Ungjin Province and 熊津道安撫大使兼浿江道総管.
He followed 李世勣 and conquered Goguryeo (kingdom of Korea)
He followed 金紫光禄大夫 and was promoted to 太子左庶子同中書門下三品. In 674, he was appointed to the superintendent general for 鶏林道. He killed King Munmu and won a substantial victory, then participated in the government by the Imperial Court as bokusha (minister) in the following year. On March 2, 685, he passed away during his tenure as 文昌左相同固閣鸞台三品. He died at the age of 84. Kaifu Yitong Sansi (Supreme Minister) and governor-general of Heishu was posthumously conferred to him, and his body was buried in the imperial tomb of Gao Zong or Qianling Tomb.

[Original Japanese]